divendres, 21 de novembre del 2008

Energy and evironment in the XXI century

The policies of energy and environment in the century XXI no sleep mere rhetorical illusions, they represent an authentic revolution, the third in the prospect of the industrial revolutions after the Neolithic one, that of the machine of the steam and now the technological one represents, undoubtedly, something that will probably bring in a period that it should not overcome the year 2020 to important changes social.

If we take into account that the hydrocarbons are a material scarce or in everything case of low quality already from the exhaustion of the beds and with important environmental offenses, it is sure that it is necessary to make a bet for the renewable energies, but this represents also an important incidence in the industrial models that their productions will see affected from the utilization of energies different and the manufacture of different products in those that until now had been it.

It is obvious to think, that from this approach it makes necessary of establishing some principles of national priority, in the measure in that they affect the policies that derive from the country in the economical and entrepreneurial framework. Some it is then that the creation of multidisciplinary cabinets would be necessary where the investigators, but also the affected sectors are settled, in way this change that dares is a shared and not at all traumatic project.

The environmental paradigm is then a consequence of the energetic policies, so that the preservation of the environment should go to considering itself a presidential policy, in the measure in what the degradation of the planet supposes involution principles in our human development. It is evident that this supposes also important changes at level of country and therefore an awareness would be necessary on a large scale, to pass from being a secondary actor to lead, also in this sense the world-wide bet, taking consciousness that nothing can be made in four days, but which obeying to the policies of change, a new impulse to these policies implies advancing also in a new economical and industrial moulding, without leaving the frame of the liberal policies.

The renewable energies in this period of transition would help to consolidating also a new economic perspective and the spirit of consciousness believing the technological advances and the research, where the high institutes of research and the universities have a lot to suggest and to bring, of in the same way like the existing state agencies and those which it would be necessary to create ad hoc.